
Here are the posts published in February 2013 on probaway.wordpress.com:

  1. Personalities develop through a natural trajectory throughout life

  2. Plato and a Platypus – by Cathcart and Klein – book review

  3. See a problem, find a fix for the problem.

  4. What is the flip of the Categorical Imperative?

  5. An Earth grazing asteroid is an opportunity for a high orbit station.

  6. Take chances, my friends! Take really big chances!

  7. What is humanity’s enemy?

  8. How to put a yawn to a good use.

  9. What is the difference between overconfidence and arrogance?

  10. John Chard, a hero of Rorke’s Drift and me.

  11. A sad discovery about Viet Nam for me

  12. My personal response to my WordPress blog going down for a day.

  13. Using a person’s name can be a kind act.

  14. A perfect asteroid opportunity missed.

  15. The apparent dilation of my perceived time

  16. The usefulness of a room depends upon its qualities.

  17. A meeting with Oregon’s United States Senator Merkley

  18. Shakespeare had an impostor personality like Ferdinand Demara.

  19. How to construct an antifragile building.

  20. Why college tuition costs so much.

  21. A new possible categorical imperative.

  22. Curious behavior by Robert R. Provine – Book review.

  23. What to do when you are dying and don’t want to.

  24. The Art of War by Sun Tzu – 1 – Revisited in 2013 by Charles Scamahorn

  25. How to avoid falling out of a bathtub or shower.

  26. The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris – Book review

  27. Humans are naturally moral beings.