The Earth Ark series explores strategies to ensure a thriving future for humanity and all life on our planet. While the challenges we face, such as species extinction and the potential collapse of our civilization, can seem overwhelming and shrouded in darkness, there is hope. Even a single individual’s efforts, such as creating a Coca-Cola bottle filled with the right materials, could potentially revive humanity and numerous other species.

Optimally, preserving thousands of plant species would require only a few thousand carefully selected seeds stored in ideal conditions. Currently, just ten species account for over half of the caloric intake of the global human population. However, thousands of edible plants are available, and all ecosystems benefit from increased biodiversity. A worldwide Earth Ark program that collects and distributes diverse seed mixtures from every environment could create vast, resilient seed banks in numerous locations. If even one of these Earth Arks survives a catastrophic event, it could significantly improve the world’s chances of recovery.

The current conflict in Ukraine highlights the importance of food security, as the country is known as the “breadbasket of Europe.” Russia’s control over Ukraine would give it significant leverage over Europe and the world due to Ukraine’s agricultural importance. However, advancements in genetic engineering may offer solutions to increase food production beyond current human needs, potentially reducing food scarcity as a primary motive for war, at least temporarily.

Claude-3-Opus Poe

Yes, Ukraine’s agricultural resources and productivity are considered to be one of the factors influencing Russia’s decision to invade. Ukraine is known as the “breadbasket of Europe” due to its vast, fertile farmlands and significant role in global food production.

  1. Ukraine has some of the most fertile soil in the world, with about 25% of the world’s reserves of chernozem, a highly fertile black soil.
  2. Ukraine is a major exporter of wheat, corn, and sunflower oil. In 2021, it was the world’s fifth-largest exporter of wheat.
  3. Control over Ukraine’s agricultural sector could give Russia significant leverage over global food markets and enhance its geopolitical influence.
  4. The annexation of Crimea in 2014 has already given Russia control over a significant portion of Ukraine’s agricultural land and infrastructure.

However, it is essential to recognize that the reasons behind Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are multifaceted and complex. While agricultural resources play a significant role in the conflict, political, historical, and strategic factors also contribute, such as Russia’s opposition to Ukraine’s potential NATO membership and its desire to maintain influence in the region.

Claude-3-Opus Poe

Here’s the list of the top twenty sources of caloric food for humans globally, with rough estimates of the percentage of calories each source provides. Please note that these percentages are approximate and can vary depending on the data source and year.

  1. Rice: 19%
  2. Wheat: 18%
  3. Sugar (including sugar cane and sugar beet): 8%
  4. Maize (corn): 7%
  5. Potatoes: 4%
  6. Soybeans: 4%
  7. Cassava: 3%
  8. Palm oil: 3%
  9. Milk (including dairy products): 3%
  10. Pork: 2%
  11. Poultry (including chicken, turkey, and duck): 2%
  12. Yams: 2%
  13. Sorghum: 2%
  14. Sweet potatoes: 1%
  15. Millet: 1%
  16. Beef: 1%
  17. Oranges: 1%
  18. Barley: 1%
  19. Rapeseed (canola) oil: 1%
  20. Eggs: 1%

Other food sources, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and legumes, contribute the remaining percentage of calories in the global human diet. It’s important to remember that these percentages represent a global average and can differ significantly between regions and countries based on local factors such as agricultural practices, dietary preferences, and socioeconomic conditions.

Rice containing beef cells could make a sustainable meal.

It is the ultimate fusion food: soon, you could sit down to a meal of rice and beef where the two key ingredients are melded together in a lab-made hybrid form.

“These advantages… offer a way to produce meat more sustainably, reducing the environmental footprint associated with traditional livestock farming and offering a novel food source that could help meet the growing global demand for protein,” says Hong.