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When reviewing the video I made a few days ago named A strange life-and-death battle on my bathroom floor, it reminded me of the spider that bit my right leg eight years ago. 7 year sequence of photos of spider bite, squamous cell carcinoma, electrodessication, curettage.

A recluse type spider

A video still of a recluse-type spider in my bathroom

That spider looks a lot like the dangerous Brown Recluse Spider found at survivallife.com

A Brown Recluse Spider

A Brown Recluse Spider illustration at Survival Life com

I am concerned about this tiny spider being in my house because it may be a very young one born of a much large spider. They must begin as much smaller spiders than they are when they are of reproductive size. I have made a small clear plastic box which I intend to use tomorrow to capture this little spider and get some much clearer pictures of it to send to an entomologist for identification. My concern comes from some non-healing swollen spots that I think I got last month when putting on my gardening gloves. There were several sharp pinpricks in my finger which I assumed at the time were tiny slivers. I remember taking off my gloves and massaging my finger and rubbing the glove hard to dislodge the slivers before putting the glove back on. I now suspect that it may have been one of this new spider’s siblings. They seem to prefer to live inside of spider-size caves and catch their meals in webs.

A potential spider bite.

There is a non-healing hole surrounded by similar bites that haven’t opened up yet.

I don’t have any particular gripe with spiders but I do wish they wouldn’t bite me.