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The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Don’t search for happiness in distant supposed paradises because it only exists within you, and that is where you can search with success.
2. When you aren’t finding happiness within yourself, help others find it within themselves, and enjoy the karmic feedback.
3. You can help others sustain happiness by empowering them to see the good things they are doing for others.
4. An unhappy person seeks personal happiness using his mouth, but the wise one finds it in the productive acts of his hands helping others.
5. You can find happiness in the present moment by sharing a story of a significant event in your life.
6. Tranquility is a state of continuing happiness.
7. Every moment of life contains a potential decision to look ahead and choose what goal you think best and a path to get you there.
8. Possessing something does not bring you happiness until it is helping to do something you value achieved.
9. Having too many possessions creates chaos if they are a pile of unused stuff without a potential use.
10. Living long enough to fulfill your childhood dreams is gratifying if you had the same ambitions then as when you became a senior.
11. Struggling to move toward your goal always has a trace of happiness, even when encountering painful moments.
12. You will always find happiness when doing things you know are helpful to your friends.
13. We must be successfully doing something that challenges our courage to be feeling happy.
14. The quality of your life depends on your ideas, and happiness and suffering are the results of your earlier thoughts.
15. You feel happy when receiving things you want, but you can avoid unhappiness by not hoping for something impossible to possess.
16. If you have an abundance of good things, one option that makes many people happier is to help other people to find happiness.
17. It is easier to be happy when you are healthy, have no monetary debt, and have the flexibility of slack in everything you need.
18. Your participation in society’s adaptation to the environment is helping our living species’ DNA adaptations to the long-term processes of life.
19. When you are in your happy moods, it feels like you are truly living, and it is then you have your opportunities to explore your options.
20. Every person is free to seek their happiness in their way, using their methods, and what they choose has long-term results.
21. Physical pleasures only last for seconds, emotional happiness for a few minutes, and mental contentment for years.
22. It will help you live more contentedly if you choose to do something that makes your life more meaningful, rather than someone paying you for your work.
23. Even in the role of a boss, you can do things that make your workers happier and productive.
24. Practice accepting and enjoying happiness when it is available.
25. When you have a worthwhile goal and enough time and resources to pursue it properly, you can make the world a better place.
26. Without a worthwhile goal that brings some happiness, even a healthy adult will drift toward neurosis.
27. When you have the necessities of life, such as happiness, help the rest of humanity obtain them.
28. You have as much right to be happy as gravity has the right to pull.
29. You are happiest when you are growing toward a more contented maturity.
30. While living a human life, you may choose to believe in assumed perfect happiness soon to be enjoyed in heaven.
31. The happiest people are those who know they are helping all humanity to become more comfortable.
32. A small task well done will bring as much happiness as an occasional big task well done, though small ones are ubiquitous, big ones rare.
33. An easy way to soften your troubles is to help anyone ease theirs.
34. Having absolutely nothing to do is a form of punishment.
35. Your happiness is found while in close pursuit of a goal, and contentment is had when you know you have done your duty.
36. You need only choose to moderate your most extreme practices to be happy.
37. Enthusiasm in pursuit of something worthy of public praise is a sure sign of a happy person.
38. Enthusiasm and happiness are felt during the pursuit of worthy goals, and contentment is yours when about to fall asleep.
39. Your enthusiasm is the fireworks, happiness, the sparkle, and contentment the afterglow.
40. When a person is happy, they can pursue any of their options, but when depressed, they have no energy to seek opportunities.
41. The constant happiness of an Epicurean sage is made possible by his habit of relishing everything that won’t bring personal pain.