From our apartment in the Secret Art Hotel, we head out on our first adventure.

A block away, we cross a park and enter a Catholic cathedral. It is quiet and beautiful, beyond anything I have experienced since the day I was baptized in the Cathedral in Spokane, Washington, USA. Obviously, I don’t remember that, and I have lived my life with a scientific orientation. The elegance and quality of everything made me think these people were on to something profound.

We walked up to the front, and there were wonderful tile floors, exquisite sculptures, and a feeling of profound purpose and devotion to a deeper meaning beyond our pain-filled lives. Sculptures of dead people were lying about, and Jesus and his mother, Mary, were prominent. We sat for ten minutes and headed out to breakfast at a recommended place named Sometimes Sunday.

Along the way, we saw the strange piece of art as we walked along the vendors.

Our waiter Peter’s tatoos bothered me a bit, but he was super friendly, very attentive to our needs, and helpful. I had the best sandwich of my entire life.

We were lost and entered a nice-looking door, We encountered these stairs and came up to make a photo.

This was elegant, and we had it all to ourselves.

The roof was glass and elegant, and we were surrounded by very strange art. Being lost in the Old Town of Montevideo during the off-season can be visually exciting.