

Toothpaste remains in the tubes and simply cutting the tube with scissors lets you get another week’s supply.

More toothpaste is still inside of the empty tube

Toothpaste tubes can easily be cut with scissors.

Empty toothpaste tube still has a weeks supply of toothpaste.

Toothpaste recovery using a standard toothbrush

A typically empty toothpaste tube still has a week or more supply of toothpaste sequestered within. The new tube caps are great but they make it impossible to get all of the toothpaste out of the tube. A safe one second snip with your scissors and you save yourself a trip to the store. Sure, the paste will dry out after a while but it should be all used up long before that obvious eventuality. The money saved isn’t significant for most people but the time saved should be. The aggravation of having to remember to purchase toothpaste a couple of times before you actually get it is softened by having a backup plan for when you are actually out of the sticky stuff.

Probaway – is hacking a way through life one snip at a time.