Earlier experiments:
A fourth testing of random Aphor ideas
A third testing of the Aphor list
A second testing of the Aphor list
A first testing of the Aphor list

Below is a fifth use of the Aphor system, making a list by simply choosing a word such as “now” and in the SEARCH box enter Aphor, and ‘space “your word” space.’ Entering Aphor will limit the search to pages with that CATEGORY search term previously entered on each post, and also entering your word, such as “now” with spaces before and after it, will find pages within the Aphor list with the word now. When at any page, hitting Ctrl-f and typing ‘space now space’ will highlight only those complete words on the current downloaded page. Here below is what was cut and pasted from the eight years of pages.

Aphor 2021/06/08 – Wisdom – 28. Most wisdom is to realize when you have been sitting on your ass long enough, and now is the time for action.

Aphor 2021/05/30 – Silence – 11. If you can occasionally silence your mind and then ask yourself what is essential now and tomorrow, you will find your way.

Aphor 2021/05/30 – Self-Reliance – 3. Don’t expect people now being motivated by childish things to behave like adults.

Aphor 2021/05/30 – Self-Reliance – 19. The world is complex, and our moment is always chaotic, but we must be ready for action now and make it fit the situation.

Aphor 2021/05/28 – Present – 2. It is guilt-free to think about the future now because you can’t be held responsible for future failures. – 7. All you need to be happy now is to choose to be content with the universe of beautiful things you have now. – 14. Prepare now for the probable future by using the known past.

Aphor 2021/05/27 – Pessimism – 12. I used to be a depressed pessimist, but I decided to treat other people better, and now I feel happier and interested in lots of things.

Aphor 2021/05/22 – Maturity – 25. Fit your actions to their appropriate time and do now what needs doing and put off forever what you shouldn’t do.

Aphor 2021/05/22 – Love 2 – 13. In the eternal now is the moment to be giving your full attention to loving your companions.

Aphor 2021/05/21 – Love – 6. The now instantly changes from an anticipated possibility to a fixed thing that we can choose to love with tranquility or hate with permanent stress.

Aphor 2021/05/12 – Fate – 1. Our destiny for our present now is essentially self-directed.

Aphor 2021/05/08 – Dreams – 20. If what needs doing can’t be done now, you can practice now the skills needed to perform when needed.

Aphor 2021/05/04 – Choice – 6. You can choose to make preparations now for doing the right thing when your time comes to make a choice.

Aphor 2021/05/02 – Adaptation – 3.The present moment is now as fixed as is any moment in the past, and you can only influence future moments.

Aphor 2021/05/01 – Action – 8. Between now and the death of our Universe, actions can have significance.

Maxims #161 — Alan Watts – 3. Every word we speak came from a tangled history of others using that word to define their thought that we now think of as our-thought. – 19. Because we have had the past experience of changing our future behavior and our physical surroundings, claiming we are only alive right now doesn’t fit our experience with reality. – In COMMENTS – The point is only to know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that “I” and all other “things” now present will vanish until this knowledge compels you to release them – to know it now. 

Maxims #158 — Voltaire – 48. The media now fulfills the church’s traditional role of making our lives better, in the future, by purchasing their magical stuff. – 80 Your ancestral mothers choosing moral men for mates evolved into the natural morality that humans now possess. In COMMENTS – but now everyone has the opportunity to publish to the internet, and although they might not be heard at the moment their thoughts are there and available to everyone.

Maxims #154 — Thales of Miletus – In COMMENTS – Modern debt, especially credit cards, and now educational debt from which there is no escape by bankruptcy, becomes the fast track into individual slavery.

Maxims #146 — John Searle – In COMMENTS – I thought of it as humor, but in my more advanced age I suspect that my friends thought of it as a form of nastiness, what is now termed passive aggressive.

Maxims #137 — Charles Scamahorn – In COMMENTS – It is outrageous to place oneself in a list with so many fantastically successful philosophers, and yet I have created the most coherent theory of why people have risen from an animal state to the condition they now occupy. – Many qualities combine to make up morality, and there must be many genetically heritable genes underlying character, but because of these genes, people are now moral because it is now part of their genetic inheritance to be virtuous. – It is outrageous to place oneself in a list with so many fantastically successful philosophers, and yet I have created the most coherent theory of why people have risen from an animal state to the condition they now occupy. [I was unaware of the duplication of a that paragraph and at this moment that source duplication is being deleted. – Done.]

Maxims #115 — Thomas Paine – 68. We now have exposed, within our technology, the capacity to bring our galaxy to consciousness. – 82. The power that tried to subdue us on what is now our land must not be asked to be the one that defends us beyond our shores.

Some common thoughts stated as maxims, #2 – 12. You created your habits, now you get to live with them.

Some common thoughts stated as maxims. – 1. F. If you are now happy, healthy, and wise, you are rich enough.

Philosophers Squared – Donald Davidson – In COMMENTS – computers are now transitioning into thinking creatures, and will soon be making philosophical considerations about their own beingness and ultimate purpose in the Universe.

Condensed thoughts compilation from Probaway’s 2014 blog – 24 April 2014  In the infinity of the future it would seem inevitable that terrible things will happen. Now in times of calm thought and potential reflection is the time to prepare ourselves for appropriate action. – 27 April 2014  Writing something down, especially in an indexable form as is now done on a computer, makes it more easily available, and more used and thus more valuable. – 31July 2014 – Now is a wonderful time for action for those who are prepared to act. – 14 August 2014 – I’m on my hands and knees looking for the Skeptic in Bend – Now that I am officially geriatric it is probably better to be in a quieter community. – 08 September 2014 – Jack the Ripper returns again and again, and now it’s DNA. – Why did the Huffington Post article have so much linking to Doyle and nothing about Aaron Kosminski, today’s Ripper suspect? – 13 September 2014 – 2500 of Probaway’s condensed thoughts are now available. – Now is the time take a step up the maturity scale. – 04 October 2014 – Ebola compared to historical epidemics and wars. – Logarithmic charts are good for showing biological growth, which is how Ebola behaves, and we humans are now its food. – 03 December 2014 – Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) logarithmic chart update – A positive indicator is that the large amount of money and personnel being invested on stamping out Ebola is now beginning to show. – 15 January 2013 – A way out of the sad state of the world. Poor self-identity is associated with non-separation from one’s mother, and that’s now common. – 22 February – A new possible categorical imperative. The totality of humanity’s life and choices as may be seen in retrospect by people now living. – 31 May 2013 – MERS-CoV may or may not be the deadly pandemic, but it is wise now to prepare the right flu fighting habits. Links to my list. – 6 October 2013 – Daniel Dennett – That’s enough. I’ve considered this matter enough, and now I’m going to act. – 24 December 2013 – Will I, our world be better off a year from now if I apply these words, and concepts they imply, to my present decisions for action?

Philosophers Squared – John Searle – 6. It [writing] has enormous meta-cognitive implications. The power is this: That you cannot only think in ways that you could not possibly think if you did not have the written word, but you can now think about the thinking that you do with the written word.- 30. the lives of such people are made much easier than they had previously supposed, because now they don’t have to worry about an author’s intentions, about precisely what a text means, or about distinctions within a text between the metaphorical and the literal, or about the distinction between texts and the world because everything is just a free play of signifiers. The upper limit, and I believe the reductio ad absurdum, of this “sense of mastery” conveyed by deconstruction, is in Geoffrey Hartman’s claim that the prime creative task has now passed from the literary artist to the critic.

Philosophers Squared – Thomas Paine – 60. He can now provide for his own comfort, and learn from my munificence to all to be kind to each other.

The Bed of Procrustes by Nassim Taleb – book review –  Taleb would now believe are poor responses to environmental stressors, such as, “You have a real life if and only if you do not compete with anyone in any of your pursuits.


This compilation took about two hours of work, with some intermittent breaks to do household and garden chores, but it shows how a computer might respond to the original statement in the Probaway SEARCH box [Aphor now ]. This posted human search goes back to November 30, 2012.

It does have some uses, because the word “now” gives context which brings different ideas into the foreground of consciousness. Choose any pair, or more, of quotes above and smash them together to create a new idea.