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A new idea, by definition, hasn’t been stated before, and therefore it will be challenging to current beliefs. Ideas that promote a longed-for dream for a better world gain the most applause. The idea that is most appealing to an oppressed people will gain instant approval by that group, and the public promoter will be granted high status with that group. Of course the people who aspire to high public office must gain the confidence and votes of their constituency, and to do that they must make those people feel like they are in danger of some sort. Good people come into power by rousing the fears of a great percentage of the populace, and in a democracy that means more than half the voters. Politicians must state the public fear clearly, and then they must state a simple solution to ease the fear. The contender to office must state the problem behind a common danger and then offer a solution that only they can provide. These ideas will be offensive to their political opposition, but they will be loved by their followers, and they aren’t the kind of ideas that are offensive to everyone because they are new.

It is new ideas that come from behind the unknown unknowns; they are the ideas that are the most disturbing because they stimulate fear of things that can’t be integrated into one’s current worldview, at least not without a significant change. People inherently hate to change their ideas and worldview because they have suffered trauma coming to the understandings that they have earned, and a new idea is probably going to cause them more pain. No one wants pain they don’t understand; thus it is natural to hate a new idea.

New ideas are dangerous and therefore offensive.