American workers have become workers of the world. In the past American workers were seeking solidarity with the workers of the world, but what they meant was to become members of a cohesive political organization. That hasn’t happened, but what has happened is that manufacturing and transportation have become safe and reliable everywhere in the world, and that has permitted everything to be manufactured in the most economical place possible. Thus, because transportation is safe and cheap items once manufactured in the United States are now made elsewhere, and the American workers job has been shipped abroad to the other workers of the world. American workers are now thought of as world workers by manufactures, and so the wage of an American worker is rapidly descending to that of a world worker. It is becoming a disastrous problem because living in America is more expensive than living elsewhere. This departure of American workers jobs has been happening for years, but seems to be accelerating because American investors on Wall Street can make more profit by investing in foreign workers and new machinery for foreign workers to use than investing here at home.

A great many American jobs are now firmly entrenched in China and they won’t be returning, because if our creative people here come up with new inventions, those items can now be made cheaper there. Now for the shocking and very disturbing news. Today, China’s vice-premier Wang Qishan said that he expects a long downturn in the world economy and that China is now preparing for that eventuality by investing more at home and developing their own markets. What that means is that the Chinese, which a decade ago was relatively non-industrialized, will then be able to have a large and exclusive market for developing their products, and scaling up their successful ones, and then be able to sell those to the rest of the world at even lower prices than they already do. This further impacts the American worker, because it drives his future wage even lower that of the future Chinese worker. American workers life style will slowly improve, in some ways, as wonderful new product enter our daily lives, but the profits will go to China, and their workers lives will rapidly improve and sail right past us. The bigger problem will be the the vast numbers of American workers who don’t have jobs, because they will be living on the tax charity of those who are working. That can’t be tolerated for long without creating a lot of strife.

Okay, this has been sort of gloom and doomish, but it might not be seen as too bad, because most people should be living relatively well in the overbuilt housing already existing here in America, watching ever better TV shows and more exciting internet and games. They may see it as awful, but four people living in a 3500 square foot MacMansion isn’t really being overcrowded and it’s not suffering compared to what our grandparents were enduring and calling the good life.