The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

The original goal of the Aphor list system was to create a method for discovering ideas that have been latent in our world views but never discovered. We needed a simple system with many indexed ideas that are brief, easily understood, crisp, and electronically searchable. By choosing a couple of words that appear to be central to your subject of interest and inserting those words into the WordPress SEARCH box, including the system name Aphor, there will be a list of page hits on your screen. Each of these page hits may be large, but by doing a CONTROL F command with your keyword inserted, even a large document will go directly to your chosen word. You can then cut and paste (CRTL-c that sentence, can CTRL-v onto your separate document list).
For example, “A stitch in time saves nine” versus “Haste makes a waste of time.” Challenging those together could produce something like, “The middle way is best.” However, using the Aphor method for searching “time” would involve: SEARCH [Aphor time]; the following screen would appear with Aphor page hits that contained the word time. There would be found brief sentences with time in them to clash together and hopefully find new ideas. Here will be my first try at using the Aphor system, which will hopefully show its usefulness, and flaws that we may correct.

Aphor 2021/06/11 – Worry – 1. Don’t waste time and create anxiety by worrying about anything where it is impossible to influence the outcome.

Aphor 2021/06/08 – Wisdom – 28. Most wisdom is to realize when you have been sitting on your ass long enough, and now is the time for action.

Aphor 2021/06/08 – Truth – 14. The instant you see the truth is the time to put it into action and verify that it works in harmony with the natural world of universal truth.

Aphor 2021/06/04 – Thanksgiving – 7. Give thanks to those things that we must do because they give our lives meaning, but they leave us with ample free time and resources.

Aphor 2021/06/02 – Success – 8. If everything you do is perfectly successful, it is time to try a few more complex things.

Aphor 2021/05/29 – Risk – 24. To gain wisdom and act wisely requires having the willingness to see every aspect of reality, even when there isn’t enough time to explore it.

Aphor 2021/05/27 – Pessimism – 11. A pessimist believes everyone is as pessimistic as he is, and he proves it every time he talks to anyone.

Aphor 2021/05/27 – Pessimism – 18. The Tick was a pessimist when he said, “Gravity is a cruel mistress,” but one can find ways to work with gravity; it’s time that’s cruel.

Aphor 2021/05/27 – Perseverance – 15. Being in the right place at the right time with the right stuff brings success, and a big part of the right stuff is perseverance.

Aphor 2021/05/23 – Maturity 2 – 47. Many people behave much of the time with simple motivations much younger than their years.

Aphor 2021/05/22 – Maturity – 19. Time will age one’s body, but abuse will ruin it quicker.

Aphor 2021/05/22 – Maturity – 25. Fit your actions to their appropriate time and do now what needs doing and put off forever what you shouldn’t do.

Aphor 2021/05/22 – Maturity – 62. A life well lived can be departed at any time because it has improved the world of everyone who lives after.

Aphor 2021/05/21 – Love – 16. Love not expressed in kind actions will evaporate into time and space, but they become a part of the permanent universe if they are manifest.

This list was created within a half hour, including the formatting problems, from the Aphors created in the last three weeks. At this moment we can explore together if there are any ideas that might be clashed and spark up a new idea.

Aphor 2021/05/22 – Maturity – 19. Time will age one’s body, but abuse will ruin it quicker.

This Aphor might be clashed with –

Aphor 2021/05/21 – Love – 16. Love not expressed in kind actions will evaporate into time and space, but they become a part of the permanent universe if they are manifest.

Both of these ideas relate to the human body’s relationship with time. Do we burn through our body’s existence, or waste its existence by not expressing our love for someone, or something and going to the grave unfulfilled? That might be resolved in an Aphor like, Use your bodily existence with expressions of love at every opportunity.