The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Don’t waste time and create anxiety by worrying about anything where it is impossible to influence the outcome.

2. If you can’t do anything about a problem, put your energy into another issue where you can do something that improves its outcome.

3. We get better at what we practice, and 10,000 hours of worry will make you an outstanding worrier.

4. The more you worry about anything, the more fearful you become, and the less energy you have to find solutions to any problems.

5. Mentally convert your worries to specific tiny concerns that you can cope with and fix.

6. Some natural things are fixed, so use them by adapting your thoughts and beliefs to fit those coming events.

7. Once you have done all you can to solve a problem, you can sleep contentedly.

8. We have the choice to worry or not to worry.

9. We feel better when we think about a few facts of what we can control than worry about an infinity of impossible fantasy problems.

10. Obsessive worry about an unresolvable disease makes the sickness feel worse.

11. One emotional benefit psychopaths have is the lack of remorse and worry, but it’s countered with the lack of love and the sweet sorrow of memories.

12. Worry about personal accomplishment can be eased with diligent work and practicing the skills needed.

13. Face all the truths directly, choose the best actions you can complete, and worry will convert into focused work.

14. The media pours oceans of worry at us, but it is easy to choose to ignore it by turning it off and doing something productive you enjoy doing.

15. Any productive activity is better than worrying.

16. When you worry about yesterday or tomorrow, you make today worse.

17. Don’t worry over spilled milk, as your cat or dog will happily lick it up when given a chance.

18. Most of your past worries have turned into comic stories, and you will fix most of your future concerns before they happen, and today is coped with by indulgences like ice cream.

19. Anticipate problems and prepare with antifragile alternatives, so no matter what happens, you will be okay.

20. Minimize worry by not locking yourself into exact solutions that may fail.

21. Not worrying gets most of what you don’t want out of your past, present, and future.