The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Having an essential goal in life gives it purpose and opens you to an exciting life doing things you value and want to see achieved.

2. The things we accomplish daily move us along the path of our life goal, and we feel good about the progress and ourselves.

3. When you know your work is essential and valued, routine tasks become meaningful, and you need to do them well.

4. Choose your work, hobbies, and entertainment to be helpful to yourself and others; then, everything you do will be and feel significant.

5. Doing work you know is significant takes you away from ennui and helps your body recover from its stresses more quickly.

6. Being stuck where you have nothing important to do is suffering.

7. You know you have found important work when its routine work tasks are pleasurable.

8. What your body is doing at the moment isn’t what makes you happy, as that depends on how you feel about the work’s importance.

9. People feel that the work other people are doing is essential in direct proportion to its furthering of their personal goals.

10. All of us are dependent on other people’s work, and helping them do their work is helping them, us, and all humanity.

11. Every individual is replaceable, but everyone’s work provides achievements that support humanity’s quest for fulfillment.

12. The difference between happy and depressed people is how important they feel their work is for supporting their status in the world.

13. Our developmental work of being human is to become more mature by moving through self-promoting stages to supporting universal being.

14. All work is observed in physical production, but great thoughts without expression go to the grave and become meaningless, gone forever.

15. Having humanity-improving goals and works in progress eliminates boredom, waste, and debauchery.

16. We only value those things that come to our attention, and we must keep our goals, tasks, and tools where we frequently see them.

17. Love is manifested toward another in work that helps them achieve their goals.

18. The transcendent task is to make it easy for everyone to work toward universal improvements.

19. If you can discover meaningful work, you will enjoy the labor and the final productions and never be required to do a wearisome task.

20. If what you are doing is not beneficial to you and someone else, stop doing it and find something to do that is helpful for everyone.