The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Wisdom is gained by paying attention to what is happening, thinking about those causes and their effects, and participating.

2. Some believe they gain wisdom by sitting unthinking as a rock, but what is learned by that procedure is the wisdom of a statue.

3. It’s doing the right thing to prevent a problem that demonstrates wisdom.

4. A man seems not wise but dull when he uses his forethought to understand future developments and acts appropriately right now.

5. He is a wise man who can learn from everyone because few offer examples of good behavior, and many provide examples of poor behavior.

6. It is wise to pull your chestnuts from the fire when they have fulfilled their purpose and move on.

7. Much of what authorities claim to be wisdom is codified into the rigid pronouncements of belief and hopes, ending with “obey me.”

8. Praise that wise man who is doing something that promotes all humanity’s well-being.

9. The wisdom of nature is unthinking and non-ethical, but it always permits what can be done and prevents what can not be done.

10. The Universe is consistent, and we can extrapolate from what we know of its local behavior to its probable behavior everywhere.

11. It doesn’t take much foresight or wisdom of cause and effect to realize that death removes the possibility of enjoying tomorrow’s conversations.

12. We choose to believe what we hope might be accurate, but our wisdom observes the repeating cycles of causes and their effects.

13. Socrates is misquoted as saying he knew nothing, and he probably said, “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

14. Everyone is careful of their well-being, but some have the added wisdom of taking care of humanity.

15. The wise-sounding proclamation that we know nothing is silly, but what we know will inevitably amount to nothing in the ultimate long run.

16. If you seek wisdom, have conversations with the wisest people available, and ask them questions that will challenge their interests.

17. The more clearly we understand the arbitrary qualities of our opinions, the more generous we can be to others with their capricious opinions.

18. Many people thought of as wise have committed suicide, and many of their followers did too, causing me to doubt their wisdom.

19. Wisdom that enhances life is invisible because it brings tranquility, contentment, and a quiet life.