The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. The most comprehensive “Thanks!” we must give is to the Big Bang; because of that, everything we know of came into existence.

2. Give a big thanks to Gravity for holding everything together.

3. Thanks to natural processes of self-organization leading to evolution that evolved us into conscious beings so we can give the universe thanks.

4. Thanks for the rain. The rain may annoy us for a few minutes, but the rivers, forests, animals, and people are made of drops of water.

5. There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of weather, and the result of this, and similar natural processes, is our consciousness.

6. Every kind of weather brings good to someone, somewhere.

7. Give thanks to those things that we must do because they give our lives meaning, but they leave us with ample free time and resources.

8. Give thanks for life. It gives you the chance to play, enjoy yourself, help your family grow, nurture your community, and find reasons for humanity to thrive.

9. A comfortable man has no pain, a contented one no suffering, and the miserable one no purpose.

10. Give thanks to those you can help, as helping others gives your life a purpose.

11. Give thanks that you have anything at all, anything, especially if you enjoy that tiny thing.

12. Be thankful for what you have left, and let your feelings of loss vanish forever.

13. Be thankful when you have enough, and no more.

14. Can a man be thankful when enough is not enough, and a superabundance is not enough?

15. Give thanks to yourself for your ability to ignore what you cannot have and do not need.

16. When we cannot have what we think we would like, we can choose to love and give thanks for what we have.

17. Thank yourself for not wanting most things, as it makes life so much easier and lets contentment enter your life.

18. Be thankful that you don’t have everything you want, for then there would be no purpose in your life toward which you may strive.

19. Don’t forget to appreciate things while you have them, so that later in life you might be thankful to have had them.

20. Thank your good luck for not having some precious object, for it’s better than possessing it, as you don’t need to take care of it or protect it.

21. Be thankful for enough of various kinds of slack to cover your expected problems, but not too much more.

22. Be thankful for having enough foresight to create a local world of contentment.