The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. A man who teaches from a textbook is a fool on stilts.

2. Give a hungry man a fish, and he will give you a grudging thank you.

3. Give the same man your fishing pond and some fishing equipment, and he will sell all your fish.

4. Your personal experience is your best teacher, but it’s slow and expensive.

5. One who refuses to learn from experience will remain stupid forever.

6. It is impossible not to be ignorant of the infinity of facts, and you must use those you have.

7. A man and his society can concoct fabulous answers, but natural reality has consistent questions.

8. A great teacher asks questions that require thought, experiment, and more thought.

9. Observe others and learn from their good behavior and examples of failure.

10. I saw a group of young women with knee braces and crutches today, back from a skiing vacation.

11. I saw a man get out of his car door into close-passing traffic today, but I didn’t stop to tell him I once knew a guy who got killed that way.

12. Good teachers work for the little rewards, but bad teachers work for the poor pay.

13. The experience you must defend becomes your most profound teacher.

14. A good teacher’s wisdom stimulates some uncomfortable thoughts and occasional laughter.

15. 1 + 1 = 2 by definition, but it doesn’t look right. – + – = — is better.

16. Most wisdom based on forethought is self-evident in hindsight.