The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Look at the sky and smile!

2. Smile at the sky, and the world will smile at you.

3. Throw a rock into a quiet pond, and smiles will come back to you, while frowns will depart off into invisibility.

4. People will spontaneously reflect your visible emotions, and giving someone a cordial smile when greeting them brings a smiling friend.

5. It’s difficult to maintain a smile when distracted by conversation, but it’s easy to see a sad companion and offer a cheering smile to them.

6. The rich and powerful need cheerful encouragement as much as the poor and weak.

7. Your friendly smile creates opportunities for friendly acts.

8. Talking with your ears can leave room for an attentive smile on your face.

9. Above a gloomy overcast sky and endless drizzle, the sun is always smiling.

10. It’s easy to smile when you are happy, so do what you need to do to be content with what you have.

11. I need to take a couple of walks every day to feel physically energized and emotionally content.

12. A smile may only take a second, but the results sometimes last forever.

13. Choosing to smile at frustrations reminds you to keep control of your emotions.

14. Most of my smiles come when other people are laughing, so I like to talk about the funny aspect of things that have happened.

15. It’s easy to smile when you squeeze the corners of your eyes ;-)