The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Silence can be more eloquent than words but requires a surrounding context to become meaningful.

2. Silence in a proper context is a communicative word.

3. Silence in a proper context is but one of a great many states of a reasonable mental being.

4. Nature abhors a vacuum and fills it with something, and there is always some relative movement, meaning sound, and sound without meaning is noise.

5. Silence may create a space for thoughts to enter, but the stuff around the silence gives the emptiness its form and meaning.

6. In the presence of musical perfection, silence is the most loving praise because boisterous cheering and clapping distract us from our glow.

7. When you say anything, say it perfectly, including the silences and stutters.

8. A thoughtful person is as careful with his silences as with his words.

9. When there is a moment of silence, there is an opportunity to understand and feel its context.

10. If silence and quiet were the mind’s natural state, why is it so rarely we reach that state?

11. Silence is the conversation of a mind that’s abandoned its natural struggle with itself.

12. What did the vast multitudes of silent yogis give us that compares favorably with productions of our scientists’ noisy brains?

13. Silence is the conversation of those people under a graveyard’s headstones.

14. There is little difference between deep meditation and death. It’s dead silence.

15. We need potent reasons to remain silent when there is so much that needs saying and doing.

16. When the door to your mind’s free speech is fully closed, that silence will erase your worries forever.

17. Your life is shrinking toward zero as its meaning approaches silence.

18. Silence is heavenly for a person comfortable with themselves, but quiet is hell for a person who hates themselves.

19. The ability to be silent sometimes can be the key to survival.

20. Action trumps words, and a completed action trumps everything but the eternal future of meaningless silence.

21. It’s better to remain silent if you are not prepared to act for your goal.

22. It is a kind man who can demonstrate for us his silence when he has nothing to say.

23. A contented mind creates a contented man, as a silent mind produces a silent man.

24. Next to an adoring dog and loving wife, a quiet moment is a man’s best friend.