The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Silence is bliss for those who love themselves and torture for those who hate themselves.

2. Just because a person is silent doesn’t mean they are tranquil, as they may be in mourning.

3. When the world is quiet, and one’s mind is tranquil, one can perceive reality’s subtle details.

4. Being silent rarely offends other people, and being noisy rarely pleases them.

5. Your unspoken helpful insights will never help other people, and neither will your unspoken hurtful ones harm them.

6. Our occasional breaks from our world’s chaos into silence allow us to reorient ourselves to our better purposes.

7. A natural progression is from silence to observations, ponderings, revelations, plans, creations, actions, exploitation, consumption, pollution, and a new cycle.

8. When you do not know a subject, there is no need to pontificate upon it, and silence is the better part of courtesy.

9. Silence is a form of nothingness, and it is what surrounds silence that makes it meaningful and sometimes lovely.

10. When in the presence of knowledgeable people, attentive silence on one’s part is a reasonable action.

11. If you can occasionally silence your mind and then ask yourself what is essential now and tomorrow, you will find your way.

12. When you come to silence from tranquility with yourself and contentment with the world, you will hear what you need to know.

13. Silence can be the perfect expression of balance with yourself and the universe, or it can be death.

14. The truths of your reality are self-evident if you are quiet enough to see, hear, feel, smell and taste them.

15. A perfect absence of names while observing reality in silence yields more understanding than an ideal presentation of it in words.

16. We don’t need an excuse to remain silent, but we need a good reason to speak.

17. Your breaking silence and delivering an idea infringes on the other people’s understanding of whatever it was they were thinking.

18. A wise man often sits silently and has many valuable thoughts while listening to an arrant fool’s discourse.