The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. To become mature, you must create the habit of keeping your promises to yourself.

2. You can not trust a person who can not trust himself to keep his New Year’s resolutions, and that includes yourself.

3. Don’t expect people now being motivated by childish things to behave like adults.

4. The people who will help you are the ones who will somehow benefit by helping you, and therefore you must rely on yourself for critical things.

5. When your trusted facts support your ideas, you may safely move away from the crowd to take independent future actions based on those novel ideas.

6. Do not ask another person to do what you can do yourself unless they can do it better, cheaper, quicker, and without disturbing your nap.

7. You may be secure in the knowledge that people will always act in their self-interest as they perceive it to be in the current moment.

8. You may depend upon a man who can rely upon himself because he can see the value in being dependable to others.

9. You can grow from being a child through adult behavior into being a mature person only if you choose to behave as a more mature person.

10. When you feel good, look around and choose to do the most mature action available.

11. At every moment, only you are available to perform the task before you.

12. Satisfaction comes from completing an important task that others can not or have not.

13. When you realize that your life is your journey, you alone can find the way to where you want to go.

14. Only those who believe that they can do an uncommon thing are likely to attempt to do it, and without an attempt, there will be no victory.

15. Rely upon your actions and base those on cultivating the proper habits in everyday activities.

16. Always do the right thing, which usually means helping others do their right thing.

17. Participation in the chaos of the present moment always involves some form of self-reliant action.

18. The moment for action is always now, and the perpetual question is, “What should I be doing now?”

19. The world is complex, and our moment is always chaotic, but we must be ready for action now and make it fit the situation.

20. Listen to others, observe their actions, and then think for yourself and base your actions on your thoughts of what is right and not theirs.

21. When it comes to encouraging self-reliance in others, point the way but never give the slightest shove as self-reliance must come from within the person who will be doing the actions.