The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. More contentment comes from being mature than being an adult, or adolescent, or childish.

2. Young explorers of forethought are many steps ahead of the herd in maturity.

3. Growing old doesn’t mean growing more sophisticated or mature.

4. To be content with what you have, you must be mature.

5. Love yourself exclusively, and you’ll always be lonely and never have the contentment of maturity.

6. When maturity’s into you, most sufferings will be out of you.

7. When too much alcohol has been into you, your wife will finally be saying – Out with you!

8. A single drink a day is good for you and keeps the mortician away.

9. The advice of the centenarians is to have one drink of alcohol and one cup of coffee and keep taking enjoyable walks every day.

10. Maturity means all grown up and enjoying living.

11. You only live once, so make sure to do it right the first time.

12. Find and promote contented friends, and let the angry folks go their own way and find friends who prefer that lifestyle.

13. Angry people will make you unhappy and distract you from your contented style of living.

14. Occasionally, say to yourself and friends, “Don’t let angry people ruin your life too.”

15. If you let your life get ruined today, it will still be half-ruined tomorrow.

16. Never spend money you don’t have and make yourself into the slave of a slave master.

17. If you’re making payments, you have made mistakes.

18. Keep a little slack money even in your slack money reserve.

19. When you care enough to share, give little gifts that don’t require anything in return.

20. There are many ways to go wrong, so before you begin doing something, check future results.

21. Pay attention to what you are about to do and for routine things, find the best way to do whatever you are planning on doing.

22. Ask people who know about particular things, “Are people who have been doing these things living long, contented lives?”

23. Observe the world and discover that you can’t trust anything a liar says. Nothing!

24. Remember who gives out false information, which is a common practice in the media.

25. People who believe lies and liars will soon be even more desperate to search for easy ways to end their pain.

26. The flimsiness of the lies people grasp and hold dearly reveals the depth of their desperation.

27. It’s sad to say, but ready money is an integral part of maturity.

28. Money in a hand is very quiet, but it speaks of the deliberate reserve regarding the person’s foresight.

29. Pay close attention to the sources of accurate information as well as lies.

30. Tune out the shows in the media with the flashiest advertising that leaves you with the feeling I’ve got to get one of those.

31. Observe stupid behavior with intentional indifference because it might show the childish person that what they are doing is dumb.

32. Don’t follow a liar’s lead with anything but intentional indifference because no speaker can endure boredom for long.

33. Be the most authentic you all the time, even when it feels absurd, because authenticity brings truth and the best actions to the fore.

34. If you must check the price of something, it is an optional purchase, and you don’t need it.

35. Take charge of your life-changing decisions because it’s you that will live with the results.

36. Make sure it’s you and only you who defines your problem and the solutions.

37. Behave appropriately for the social situation because good behavior never goes out of style.

38. Get connected with honest people and disconnected from dishonest ones.

39. Look ahead and if it feels good today but isn’t going to feel good tomorrow, stop doing it immediately.

40. Always play by the rules, and play to win honestly, but observe those who do and don’t play honestly.

41. Live quietly, avoid extravagance, and be authentic with everyone.

42. There will always be a tomorrow, but not for everything living today.

43. Choose to live contentedly with what you have now, for at best, you only have a few more moments of now.

44. Consistent good behavior will change your life for more time, experiencing the nuanced feelings of contentment.

45. Change your life for the better by treating others better than you treat yourself, and help to clean up litter after social gatherings.

46. Just accumulating years doesn’t collect mature behaviors, as those become habitual in the years of good behavior along the way.

47. Many people behave much of the time with simple motivations much younger than their years.

48. Even five-year-olds, put into desperate adult situations, can behave in mature ways.

49. Offer others what they need when they need it, but not before or after.

50. Pursue improving the maturity of your actions as your chosen lifestyle.