The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Life is showing up, paying attention, participating, and death is not being here, with no awareness and no engagement.

2. Life is an endless chain of adaptations of which some work, and some don’t.

3. A good life flows through most of the problems and enjoys the sum of the results.

4. A contented life is helping other people cope with their problems.

5. A child is soft, warm, and needy, a geriatric life is stiff, cold, and needy, and those in the middle are tough, struggling, and broke too.

6. Love tells me that you are irreplaceable, but Epictetus says everything is just a member of a category and is replaceable.

7. The great tragedy of life isn’t to lose something but to cease loving it.

8. Our life force always urges us to go somewhere and do something, but where and what we must choose.

9. To cope with this problem that is confronting me, or that other one, or to seek this person’s company and avoid that one’s is stressful.

10. So much of our life is provided for by usually benign forces totally outside of our control that we should often pause and say thank you to it all.

11. Every approaching moment is a new opportunity to live exuberantly with new possibilities.

12. We are all embedded in our reality, and that gives us opportunities to do things that are not available to anyone but us.

13. Choosing to love what you encounter externally teaches you how to love what you experience internally.

14. Every day, look at various things and say, “I don’t need that to be happy.”

15. Just before you begin a new and possibly difficult task, put a smile on your face, run jubilantly in place for a bit, and put a charge of enthusiasm into your voice.

16. Your life is most meaningful to those who love you, so always treat them kindly and with respect.

17. Life will deliver us into some crises, but we may prepare for these with forethought, proper habits, and some slack.

18. Your body lives in the present moment, and your flexibility of action is in the coming moments.

19. The essential purpose of your existing life is to find a meaningful purpose for your future life.

20. If you practice foresight for your actions, you can live contentedly, and by avoiding life-risking situations, you may live long.

21. Life for most people is a long preparation of learning things they will never use, so set your goals and know well what you will use.

22. When you have a goal and definite ways to get to it, you will enjoy the unexpected detours along the way.

23. If in doubt about a coming action, send your body on a mental trip through the problems, and if it says, no, I can’t endure that, don’t go there.

24. Life is an absurd comedy for thinkers and a painful tragedy for feelers.

25. Life becomes purposeless for those who have everything, but helping others persevere is a stable occupation with eternal purpose.

26. When struck with a glimmer of despair, turn to another person and engage them in a conversation that will make their life meaningful.

27. Life, since the beginning, has been struggling with an infinity of problems and finding survival by repeating what works.

28. The immediate goal of your life is to participate as fully and appropriately as possible with what is happening.

29. The world behaves in agreement with natural laws, but ultimately, she kills you and uses your constituent parts in other ways.