The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Philosophers have great quarrels over what words mean, but when asked what humility is, indeed they must admit, “I don’t know!”

2. The first miracle is the existence of our universe, the second is our human consciousness of it, and ourselves and the third is its self-consciousness.

3. The universe is the most important thing, but each human is important because they can act independently of the universe.

4. We must humbly thank our former selves for their many conscious decisions that created our present selves.

5. Behaving appropriately to the moment we find ourselves immersed within requires humility to the world surrounding us.

6. Humility recognizes that the sum of human knowledge comes from a hundred billion former and living people sharing their wisdom.

7. Remember that you came from and still are composed of muddy water loaded with many tiny creatures you will never see.

8. Humility is created in you by the unsolicited discovery by other people of your many qualities, which they respect in their conversations with you.

9. Avoid copying the behavior of people who lack humility and have arrogated power to themselves that hurts other people.

10. A humble person’s actions are simple responses to the situations before them and are easily understood.

11. A humble person helps everyone because they know that every individual is needy.

12. “What have you done to act so humble?” asked Albert Einstein of a groveling sycophant.

13. A humble person blends and flows with the events of the world, and their actions are invisible as a drop of water in a flowing river.

14. A humble person can be anyone you meet, and their chief feature is in revealing their inner truth with equanimity.

15. If you like who you are, it is easy to be who you are when chatting with other people.

16. From humble actions toward others grows contentment with one’s self.

17. Bloviating about humility is a sure sign of arrogance.