The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Happiness is an exhilarating positive emotional feeling in the present moment of social success.
2. The more public the goal of personal success, the greater the happiness, the closer it is to and after completion.
3. Happiness is dependent on making some person happy, and that is amplified from the single you to the more, the merrier.
4. If your progress toward a goal makes another person happy, then you are doubling the total happiness you are creating.
5. You must be alive to be physically happy, but if you record things that make people happy elsewhere or in the future, you share in that happiness.
6. Generating the kind of happiness that is self-centered vanishes as your moment passes away, and its memory goes to the grave when you die.
7. When you are made happy by creating several other people’s unhappiness, you corrupt the world and make it an unhappier place.
8. Personal debauchery in the quest for immediate happiness is a proven path to your long-term suffering.
9. A foolish person finds pleasure in the pompous words of his mouth, but a contented one finds happiness in the practical actions of his hands.
10. You won’t find happiness in a superabundance of stuff but in an abundance of good habits and contented friends.
11. If you are happy and helpful in your relationship with people and dogs, they will treat you well.
12. You will not be happy if you expect people to treat you well as you treat them poorly.
13. If you are waiting for people to be good to you before you can be good to them, you are in for a long wait on your road to happiness.
14. To be happy with the world, you must choose to accept many unpleasant things that impinge on you that are beyond anyone’s control.
15. To be happy, you need to occasionally consider the inevitable sad things and then grieve and move back to your productive life goals.
16. Always we live with the fact that there is only one place and one moment where you can be happy, and that is here and now.
17. There is happiness in doing good things when we know we are doing good things.