The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. When an external environment is unchanging, we unconsciously form habits for using their attributes for our benefit.
2. We develop habits for responding to random events with conscious actions.
3. After several similar events, we begin to form a more fixed habitual way of responding to it, and these responses others term our character.
4. A species of animal that routinely encounters a situation learns habitual responses, and these become quicker reflexes by encoding into its DNA.
5. Habits encoded into a species’ DNA are quicker and more effective than rational responses, and DNA evolves supporting DNA.
6. You can consciously override old habits and even DNA-encoded reflexes, but it requires the effort of focusing attention on an alternate stimulus.
7. A DNA-based habit feels like a compulsion of one’s character.
8. We are oblivious to our learned habits and even more so to our DNA-based practices until we encounter a stumbling stone.
9. To intentionally change a habit demands developing a practice of observing the precursors to the unwanted behavior and changing your responses to that precursor observation.
10. When we get our habitual routine going, our body, as well as our mind, becomes convinced it is the right thing to be doing.
11. Your body won’t change a habit that is serving you well.
12. You can’t change a habit except by preventing the stimulus that triggers your mind and body’s actions.
13. A habit is like gravity in that it attracts things directly to its goal.
14. Some form of gravity directs everything in the physical world, and some form of habit guides everything in the behavioral world.
15. You can grow habits just like you can cultivate vegetables or left to themselves grow weeds.
16. When you cultivate the seeds of good habits, they grow into actions that make you and your surroundings into a harmony of contentment.
17. Plant your seeds where you want your vegetables to grow.
18. Choose your environments and habitual responses, so they take you to the contented place where you want to be and become.