1. Growth is at its best when you move just beyond your comfort zone.

2. You can learn well beyond your comfort zone by being near top-level competitive people and doing your very best.

3. Creative growth reaches beyond the best performers, off into the unknown unknowns, repeatedly, until you discover something exceptional.

4. Humanity’s growth depends on discoveries, which requires an individual willing to take the risk of going beyond the known.

5. Great discoveries are found beyond the known, and the greater the unknown discovered and revealed, the greater the growth for humanity.

6. Growth is, as Edison said about discovery, one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration, to go from idea to product.

7. Growth is a creative struggle to seek a potential niche and find a way to fill it with something useful.

8. Evolution is usually the process of finding tiny niches in the existing environment, but when a catastrophe strikes, giant chasms appear.

9. Learn to accept anxiety and endure pain, for those are the price of discovery and growth, as well as failure.

10. We are consistently exploiting our niche and searching for accessible new things to exploit, even when we are dying.

11. Human growth flows from conception, fetus, infant, child, adolescent, adult, mature, geriatric, and each has its foresight.

12. Interacting with people for a few minutes will usually reveal their level of maturity in what they prefer to do.

13. Opportunity offers growth, but exploring that opportunity will probably create anxiety that will be felt both as pain and pleasure.

14. Growth takes place with opportunity accepted, thoughtfully analyzed, emotionally energized, and pursued vigorously.

15. One way to grow is to do what successful people do and avoid doing what the failures are doing that gets them into trouble.

16. Everyone is always adapting and growing somehow, but it becomes self-destructive with those seeking quick, unearned pleasures.

17. Everything is growing forward, even when that forward is self-destructive and backward.

18. There is no enjoyment in being someone, as that only yields the threat of losing your status; the permanent joy is in the moment of doing things you know are significant.

19. Growth is just another word for adapting to fit the current situation.

20. Growth has its own form of inertia, and those growing the fastest will continue growing and go the furthest.

21, If you want a simple life of comfort, find friends who have similar values to yours, but you need different people if you’re going to grow.

22. Helping others open their doors of perception and growth helps teach you how to open your doors.

23. The growth that is foresightful and quicker to respond to the situation will be most successful.

24. Personal growth requires challenging changes, and sometimes changing your job, friends, and home will work, but often those bring failure.

25. Try everything and try to sell it to see how much people will pay you, but it’s probably worthless if you can’t sell it.