The basic Aphor list and a sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Fear is a good thing when it exposes dangers our conscious mind missed and prevents us from doing something self-destructive.
2. Fear forces us into a fight, flight, or freeze, but to freeze is to be killed or enslaved at the aggressor’s discretion.
3. Fear grows when we refuse to face it, and to flee away brings on a panic state of mind where everything becomes terrifying and dangerous.
4. When fear freezes our action, we can only hope not to lose, but we may win if we can put our opponent into a fight, flight, or freeze mode.
5. Fear makes even a bold man weak, and if you present something odd before him, so he must think, you attack while he’s confused.
6. Almost everything is unknowable and feared, so set up your situation so no matter what happens, you survive.
7. Design your plans to thrive on chaos, and your enemies will fall apart with unexpected events, as even a tiny event may destroy their composure.
8. Generate fear of the unknown, which makes unexpected events appear more dangerous than they are in reality.
9. When your enemy fears that he is about to lose control, he will consider fleeing, and at that moment, another tiny jolt may set him fleeing.
10. Many people live their lives bouncing between impossible hopes and irrational fears.
11. Fear is an emotion that is wholly within the person, and its existence depends on the individual’s previous habits relative to fear.
12. To fear being dead is to fear absolutely nothing, and that’s absurd.
13. If we occasionally pause to understand what we fear and cope with it at that time, then when we face real terrors, we can manage more rationally.
14. We soon hate what we fear, but we can pause and consider what better options there might be in a friendly conversation about mutual needs.
15. A thoughtful insight into your competitor’s needs is a helpful insight to discovering your needs and fulfilling their needs.
16. When you fear that your competitor has discovered your weakness, you have lost half your strength.
17. Discover what your enemy fears most to be revealed and, at the critical moment, expose it.
18. What all men fear, but a timid man fears the most, is the exposure of his weakness.
19. Intentionally step into fearful situations you control so you and your team can learn how to cope with fear.