Basic Aphor list and sublist Aphor Charles Scamahorn 

1. Those species thrive and survive best that can consume the most energy in the local environment.
2. The individual of a species that best fits the evolutionary needs of the moment is the one that is most likely to survive and reproduce.
3. The brain is one organ among many that will help its possessor adapt to its environment.
4. Small brains are quick to do what they do, but big brains have transmission over distance delays and are slower to react.
5. An adult human has an unusual ability to foresee what will be needed in the future and prepare for that time.
6. A human who has cultivated his inborn ability of foresight can solve problems before they become severe.
7. The currently growing edge of human evolution is technological tools.
8. Evolution is a sloppy procedure, but look around and behold the many forms it has produced to fill niches.
9. The current evolution of humans is toward maximizing the usage of undiscovered possibilities.
10. In periods of quick planetary changes, the living species’ adaptations fluctuate more wildly in their search for what survives best
11. In long periods of stable planetary behaviors, the processes of living evolution oscillate slowly about the common adaptations.
12. The processes of evolution will discard those groups of humans who reject the adaptations required to reproduce.
13. Every individual is ignorant of almost everything known, but groups rejecting what they should know to survive is stupidity.
14. Humans have evolved innate capacities for language and morality, but they require being learned in childhood to function ethically.
15. The significant parts of Darwin’s theories of evolution still work, but Freud’s and Marx’s theories have core flaws and have mainly been abandoned.
16. With the human mind and cultural learning, we can foresee cause and effect and change our behavior before the world sends us to extinction.
17. A human’s most productive spiritual quest is to have an honest relationship with nature’s reality.
18. If you are sane, well-educated, and don’t understand evolution, you only believe you respond to reality, and you chose the wrong schools.
20. The struggle for survival puts deadly demands on your organism, but reproductive failure places extinction consequences on your offspring.
21. Religion provides individuals with an organized group to help them survive against other people seeking survival.
22. Evolution of your thinking gives you a better chance to become more adept at personal survival.
23. Some of your children will thrive better than others, and those survivors are the ones most likely to reproduce.
24. Evolution is an easily observable fact.