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More sentences for the senseless.

  1. Look into the future and choose the antifragile actions.
  2. This day now demands more attention than all of last year.
  3. The most frequently robbed people are dead.
  4. Dying people can reward and punish people in the future.
  5. Lies demand action now, but the truth must often wait a while.
  6. Promises are words drifting by but actions done are forever.
  7. It was a horrible hurricane I watched on TV while sitting on my sofa.
  8. He was a deluge of words drifting by in a humid breeze.
  9. Lottery winners are treated as heroes, but the losers are treated as almost winners.
  10. Forethought provides easy access to prosperity, but after-thinking requires tough trails even up to poverty.
  11. Everyone, even villains, learn their trade from past masters.
  12. Dexterity requires practice, practice, and more, thoughtful practice.
  13. Don’t do anything you will regret in five years.
  14. When a bug bites, swipe it off, don’t crush it in.
  15. Avoid doing things your body doesn’t like, and the same for your mind.
  16. Clothes don’t make you a man, but others may treat you like a man.
  17. To avoid gout, eat meat once a week, and drink more water than beer.
  18. Do what works, and if that doesn’t work, do something else.
  19. When the food and drink are gone the rascals will go too.
  20. First fruits are eaten first and when second fruits appear, the first fruits are left to rot.
  21. When winter will endure, plant pots indoors in warm south windows.
  22. The king will leave you enough of your production to stay productive.
  23. Exciting problems challenge the boy, and curious ones challenge the man.
  24. Ants hibernate in winter and bees store honey for winter; I shop.
  25. Don’t look too closely into other people’s problems.
  26. One man puts his money into pleasure, another into his productivity.
  27. Planning beyond ten years might as well be scheduled for eternity.
  28. Random ideas are sometimes useful for new tasks.

The end goal of this blizzard of ideas is to generate conflicting ideas and then try to discover useful ideas that aren’t obvious to everyday thinking.