It was only four blocks from our wonderful and inexpensive apartment to the Atlantic Ocean, and yet we passed a new hotel being built.

We visited the religious memorial out in the sand and seashells washed up from the beach.

Many messages were posted, probably by people with real connections to this saint, but for us, it was simply a strange artifact.

The rocks were beautiful, and we found these strange balls, which we didn’t touch, but when I showed this picture to a local waitress, she immediately said they were turtle eggs.

The beach was interesting if you like rugged shores and fun to look at for a while. It was a bit cool, but not as cold as it looks.

We walked for an hour along the shore, mostly on the sidewalk rambla.

I was surprised to see many more hotels stretching off into the distance and, apparently, another new one being built.

It is astounding how many hotels there are here, all of them empty, yet new ones are being built.

Off-season is truly empty in this beautiful place.