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Last year I posted a blog listing the condensed thoughts of The Seven Sages of Ancient Greece. They were called the 147 Delphic Maxims. I modified the translations slightly to make them into action statements.

The 7 Sages of Greece

This recently discovered mosaic of the Seven Sages of Greece was buried at Pompeii in 79 AD by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. A cleaned picture.

The Seven Sages of Delphi were: Thales, Pittacus, Bias, Solon, Chilon, Cleobulus, (the 7th sage varied between Pythagoras and Myson, Anacharisis, Periander, Pamphyslus, Leophantes, Acusilaos, Scabras), and sometimes an 8th sage, Aesop, was added.

Here in Bend, Oregon, there are people I know who have sage-like qualities. Some of them know one another and some are independent of the social mix, but these people when brought together do discuss subjects of human development that are clearly reminiscent of the Ancient Greeks. They are more like the ancients than modern philosophers, scientists, or psychologists, but they do have an abundance of modern social experience and wildly different philosophies of how one should live one’s life.

What I have been suggesting to a few of them is that by combining our efforts into a named group with some generalized goals, we could create an acknowledged spiritual community. Individually we are ignored, but as an acknowledged group with differing ideas, a few of which could be bizarre enough to gain public attention, we could have some social impact.

We need not form any legal organization, but just be recognized as some people with some classical ideas. By having a unique name, such as The Seven Sages of Bendor, that is easy to remember and easily defined, we could be associated with some specific ideas. By having a specific number of sages we would be free to explore a wider ranging batch of ideas without violating our basic identity and unity. The group’s name has a built-in freedom of choice, with seven unique approaches, and that is the essence of liberty and of happiness.

We are still stepping in the same river named Time, but into much different water.